Photo by Tobi on There are so much interesting aspects in our life. Knowing more knowledge means we try to understand more about the diversities aro…
Photo by Alex Kinkate on People are getting aware to beauty and health issues since the access are now easier. Since I work at, the lead…
Photo by Kerde Severin on Tech is one of the fast-paced industry in Indonesia. You can always find something new from this field. My writing was pur…
Photo by Cats Coming on Food & travel is a perfect combination to know more about this huge world. Through my words, I want to describe these tw…
Photo by maitree rimthong on Pexels I was a reporter intern at Financial desk, From this experience, I gained financial writing skill that include…
Krystal Jung on Cobweb film (Photo by Barunson E&A) Film/series writing is always fun because I can see other point of view. I love romcom, drama, historic…
Paul Partohap at FLAVS Unity (Photo by Zikra Mulia Irawati) I put a huge interest in music-related writing. I especially have a wide knowledge of K-pop industr…